Yours Truly KSS

Name: KS.Siang
Age: 20!!!
About me: Someone who's lack sleep even if he sleeps 24/7

A Loving Preferences

#New phone
#All the things i had wished for.

Animals Affiliates

|Ah Cat|
|Carrot Soup|
|Miss ET Cow|
|Derick Stick|
|4i elephant|
|Fat so|
|Miss Wall|
|Miss Piggy|
|Jian Cat's 2nd dead blog|
|Mr. Prawn|
|Killer V|
|Jian Cat's 3rd blog|
|Conserve lady|
|Elberto's 2nd dead blog|
|Korean look a like|
|Brat brother|
|Bullied sister|
|Bully sister|
|JR. Joyful Monkeys|
|The Tower|
|The other bunny|

The Loving Chronicles

|September 2006|
|October 2006|
|November 2006|
|December 2006|
|January 2007|
|February 2007|
|March 2007|
|April 2007|
|May 2007|
|June 2007|
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
|September 2007|
|December 2007|
|January 2008|
|February 2008|
|March 2008|
|April 2008|
|May 2008|
|July 2008|
|September 2008|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|May 2009|
|July 2009|
|October 2009|

The Loving Chronometer

The Loving Dialogue

The Chaos Plans

Flavor Of Life Lyrics

The Disaster box


layout by: elai lim
brushes: [x]

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Really? Are you sure?!?!

Hmmmm, sometimes i do feel that i have more reader for this blog than i think. Hmmmm, maybe i'm being over sensitive again? But then you'll never know..... Gives me the creeps to know if someone or even a total stranger would read this blog..... Aiye~~~~ But what heck, news would spread like wild fire if i insult anyone here. Haha~~~ (Like one of my early post which insulted a group of ppl which by the way, i don't regret blogging it 'Bleh!!!) It's just something i want to write it out. And what the heck, I WILL NOT try to satisfy anyone since it's my blog.

Yes, reading the opening will vaguely tell you that this is another one of my criticising,insulting and magnificent post,haha!!! Yes, another masterpiece! But anyway, not going to insult particular people here, just some shitheads la~~~ Ahem, as my loyal(do i have any ah?) readers, you'll all know that I am GOOD at expressing my dissatisfaction towards ppl. Haha, I don't hide and i have nothing to hide.

Anyhow, this post will be insulting some of the unglobalised and uncivilised brain dead students in my current school. Ok, to put it nice, conservative. Ever since i've started this school, it had been a very good and refreshing experience to study with a whole lot of Malays. Since i was a 5 or 6yr old cry baby, i had been studying in a chinese school until form 5. Not many malays in school in the later stages. But anyhow, from my experiences with the malays then, i was one of the typical people who'll just heard of the bad things about the malays and never any good. Like Malays are lazy,violent,sporty but not studious and all the typical traits people would descibe a malay.

Ummm, then when i enter this school, i find that malays are not that bad in fact, they have some quality that we should be learning from them. What we ever heard or seen about malays are just a small group of them. You know about them being violent and stuff. But when we look at things around, actually all the races in this world had violent people in them too. Just that since we're living in a small corner of the world that we never ever got to see the other violent people. Ok, here i am saying that i hate and despise violent people. I find that even those so called educated people could be violent as well. Makes me wonder why people are still wasting their resources trying to educate them when they just couldn't be. Ok, i'm being pessimistic here.

I heard that from one of the malay friend i've know in one of my classes that s/he(to protect identity) feels that s/he had been discriminated by those low lifes who think really highly of themselves, the St. Andrew bitches. Ok, i'm not insulting that all the St. Andrew(or St.George) people are all jerks and bitches, i'm only saying about those whiny and proud nutheads. Anyway, from what i heard, those bitches are not friendly to him/her and other malays but only friendly to chinese like them. Even if this malay friend of mine tried to be friendly towards them, all s/he receive was cold responses from them. Ummmm, note that this friend is a very friendly person. On a side note: Curiously i asked him/her on how she thinks about the ex CHMS-ian, and s/he said that the ex CHMS-ians are awesome and friendly! Keep up the good work,guys!

I felt ashamed and embarassed that we had these kind of nit-wit in my race. Hmpf! And they call themselves a chinese. Some of them can't even write their chinese name or even speak chinese. Fuck you, BANANAS!!! They are too westernised.....on second thought, they are half westernised. And they call themselves a chinese. When whatever they do or wear are westernised without any chinese taste. and they call themselves a chinese. When they thinks they're the more superior race. Yeah right. Ever heard that the organisms still living in today's world are the strongest living things? Survival of the fittest and after millions of years, we're still alive.

And some bananas are just too proud to admit their flaws. At least i know that the malays are straightforward and admit about their culture's flaws. For example, s/he admits to me that malays are lazy and not really good in maths. S/he also believe that chinese all are good in maths. Even some malay strangers i've met while doing my work in a place all have this thinking that all chinese or at least most chinese would take up maths as one of their subs. Haha, turns out that because i look intelligent(nerdy to put it simple), they thought i was taking maths as well. Well, I said to them 'Nah, i'm not a typical chinese' and they were like 'oic'. And i think that malays are faithful and promote religious tolerance. Unlike some radical religiously disturbed fellow in my previous school who said that all religions other than his are all fake and evil. Ah, shut your pie hole! Unlike me who's soooo open minded thinks that all religions do have their own reasons to be different and exist.

But after so much insults, in the end, all the things and matters come and go. Some malays also discriminate against chinese. In fact, all races has those over conservative thoughts that makes them discriminate against other races. Why is there racism in this world ah? Makes me wonder if the world can be rid of those unethical and uncivilised racist or not. But it all depends on the individuals and therefore what i'm saying is just a pixel in a computer screen. Haha~~~ computer term. hehe~~~

Scary thought that i even hear of someone who's a radical racist that he or she(i don't know the sex) was trying to plot a genocide to wipe the so called impurities in the world. One of the world's race.Peace Man!! WE NEED PEACE!!!

Also,I want the gathering pics!!! Someone please upload it somewhere so i can steal it. haha.

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate

You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.
You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.
You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!
A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.
What's Your Blogging Personality?

Errrmm, some people dread my blog la, I'm also VERY dramatic. And i only consider about my own feelings so, I AM considerate. :p

SS Phoenix @ 2:13 PM

Leaving love at |2:13 PM| ~-~ 0 Hearts given

Monday, June 04, 2007


This is gonna be my shortest post yet!

30th May--- It turns out to be a typical 'gathering'of F5Sci '06' plus some NVIP. Oh well, i was never had much great expectations but to meeting all my friends who come back from KK and KL was worth its value. (though a lot ppl would know why i didn't want to go in the first place.

31st May--- Yes! Went to the Mall to watch POC:At world's end with some of my bestest pals(and also my lil sis who tagged along) was GREAT! The movie's great and the conversation was also great. Best of all, rich cow ET treated a regular $16++ earthquake!!! And we were so sampat and loud in Swenson, no wonder we received slow service,hmpf!

1st June--- Went to Chung Hwa to watch the singing contest and all i can say is that without us, The form 5 of 2006, Chung Hwa has become nothing now when compared to our glorious days! The MC's an ah beng and some singers looked like ah liangs,no wonder lo. But Mmmmmmm, the nostalgic and tasty Chung Hwa canteen's food was well worth all the trouble to get there! The Nasi Lemak and Kolo Mee!!!! *space out*

*...............back to earth*

Today, on monday 4th of June 2007. Brunei almost seems like it was gonna have its first air disaster in its history. A plane looked like it were in danger! First we saw the plane in MD and since my current home is REALLY near to the airport, it's unmistakable! You see, whenever a plane lands, we'll get to see it quite close, so it's quite noisy. Anyway,back to the story. My dad and i saw that the plane was unable to land!Maybe due to some technical prob? There's no mistake about it, it tries to land about 3 times(i saw 3) but didn't and flew up again. At one time, when it was going close to landing, i saw NO TYRES COMING OUT BELOW THE PLANE!!! And it flew up again. Maybe the hatch to the tyres got stuck? Well, after some time, when i almost finish my lunch, it finally landed.

Recap. First saw the plane tried to land when i was going home from school which is about 12.10. I finished lunch on about 12:45? So it tried to land for like 35 minutes? Man, if i were a passager in the plane, I might had pee on my pants.(on second thought,nah!)

Song added: Golden by Fall Out Boy..... get the meaning of the chorus! I just LOVE it!

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Eagle

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale

You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.
Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.
The Animal Personality Test

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SS Phoenix @ 6:25 PM

Leaving love at |6:25 PM| ~-~ 0 Hearts given